17 June 2009

Hello Everyone,

I want to thank you all for your faithfulness in giving as unto the Lord for the mission trip I took to Rwanda beginning last fall. I received an extra $3,606.00 in donations above and beyond my own needs.

In the beginning of my fundraising process, I did not believe I would raise enough money to stay a full six months in Rwanda as I planned. God proved himself faithful to me financially through the gifts many of you contributed. I count the abundance as proof that we cannot out give or out sacrifice the Lord. I have found God's promise in 2 Timothy 2:13 to be true: "if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he can not disown himself." Even the title of this blog "Kingdom Seekers" is based on the promise of Jesus in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

As you have given sacrificially to the work in Rwanda, I trust God has shown himself faithful to provide for your needs as well.

What will be done with the additional funds collected?

After seeing the many needs in Rwanda personally and praying about how to allot the extra funds God provided, I decided to deposit the money into a scholarship fund for students who can not afford to go to school. Schooling for young people, especially orphans, is needed at this time, since Rwanda is developing quickly and competitive jobs require a secondary education or higher and English proficiency.

How will the funds be administered?

Alivera Nyirampirwa, a good friend of mine from ALARM, is currently administering the funds to students who are in need of financial help. As a Bishop's wife, she is well aware of the needs within the community of believers in Rwanda and will make sure the funds are judiciously and fairly distributed.

Have you donated towards a cause while in Rwanda? How did it turn out?

Some of you may remember a previous blog journal entry I posted on 21 January 2009, which talked about ALARM/Rwanda women’s ministry to young single mothers who have recently given birth at a local hospital called Muhima. The hospital assists single mothers in childbirth. Many of the women must stay in the hospital after their baby is delivered and have family members provide for personal needs, such as food. Many times the young women are not able to afford the hospital bills after delivery.

After visiting the women at the hospital myself, I realized first-hand what a great burden these young ladies carry.

Several weeks before I left Rwanda to return to the U.S., I was able to give a gift of 140,000 FRW (~250 US) designated to medical expenses for women who could not afford payment. Upon release from the hospital, women receive assistance for a period of time through a government sponsored program, which helps them get back on their feet again; they are not sent back to the streets without some kind of support.

Upon Alivera's suggestion, the hospital agreed to give a report on how the funds were spent.

On June 16, Alivera sent a copy of the report, which I would like to share with you now:

Dear Andrew,

How are you doing? I pray this finds you fine.

I am glad to let you know that the Muhima Hospital Leader has sent a letter to us, to recognize the financial assistance we provided to the patients there. Unfortunately the letter is sent in Kinyarwanda language with the attachment of people who benefited from the money you provided.

Briefly, the written letter is translated as follows:

To the ALARM Leadership,

The Muhima Hospital is grateful to the assistance and commitment you manifested while paying for 13 needy patients at Muhima Hospital in March 2009 and even before that date. Find enclosed the list of people who benefited from your financial assistance.

May God bless.

The manager of Muhima Hospital
Dr UHAGAZE Blaise.

Copies were addressed to:

- Deputy in charge of Social Affairs in Nyarugenge District
- Executive of the Muhima hospital board
- Muhima hospital Administrative Assistant
- Muhima hospital Accountant

It is followed by the report about the use of 140,000 Frw given on March 18, 2009 to pay for 13 patient who were not able to pay the medical bills.

Thanks brother for your generosity and do know that your labor is not vain in the Lord. Your reward is for sure at hand.


Thank you again for your gifts and faithfulness in prayer towards the mission to Rwanda.

May God richly bless you.


P.S. For reasons of privacy, I have not included on this public site the original version of the letter, which lists the names of the women who received assistance. If, however, you would like to pray for these women by name, you may request a copy of the letter on a per case basis.

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